I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Psalms 91:2
I want to start by expressing my gratitude for the love and financial support that was given to us during the past year when we were facing great turmoil in my country. May the Lord continue to bless you.
Although 2019 was marked by a great deal of unrest caused by political turmoil, scarcity of food, road blockages, unsafe travels, shortage of money circulation, and devaluation of the Haitian currency, our school kept its doors open. In Terrier Rouge, all schools were closed for a month with the exception of Saint Barthelemy. We set the example. We are currently educating and nurturing 1,100 children and employing 100 people - teachers, administrators, and support staff, including cooks and gardeners, and we have improved our curriculum with the arrival of a new Director of Studies for the secondary school. It has become a tradition of excellence that our 9th and 13th grade students achieve high marks on their official exams.
Although limited by the situation in the country, our marching band continues to perform locally on many occasions. Our students have been interacting with students from other schools in the town by playing sports together or performing in theater, literature contests, and liberal arts. We are also proud to announce that our students played a predominant role in the packing and distribution of food to our needy brothers and sisters in different places around Terrier Rouge. We are training them for the future to be great leaders and citizens of the country.
The whole school gives thanks to the Lord every single day for the work of education happening in Terrier Rouge and the surrounding communities and the support received from Bethlehem Ministry.
In His Name,