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Photo by bob gore
Misty Slopes

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.  Ephesians 2:10


We are celebrating the man who started it all and keeps us inspired daily! Because of Pere Bruno’s vision, life has changed for tens of thousands of people in northeast Haiti over the past 50 years. Here’s just a glimpse of what he has accomplished in the past 20:


  • A pre-K through grade 13 school (Ecole St. Barthélémy) was built in 2002, now educating, feeding, and nurturing over 1,000 kids each year!

  • A clinic (Clinique Espérance et Vie) was created in 2009 giving convenient access to health services ranging from eye care to prenatal visits to life-saving medications. Over 12,000 patients are seen annually!

  • An NGO (Espérance et Vie) was formed in 2010 to bring humanitarian services to the community of Terrier Rouge. Led by the calm and steady presence of Pere Bruno, the NGO responds quickly to challenges affecting their community - natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes; public health threats such as cholera and COVID-19; and destabilizing situations such as political unrest and crippling inflation.


When you give to Bethlehem Ministry, you are supporting programs like these that can fundamentally change the lives of so many. THIS is the difference your support is making everyday in Haiti!

Bòn Fèt, Pere Bruno!


Join Our Worldwide Family!

All month, we'll be sharing videos, pictures, memories, and stories about the impact of Pere Bruno on our lives and in his beloved country of Haiti.


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Share Your Story!

Share pictures & memories of how Pere Bruno has inspired you on social media! 


Use the hashtag

#HappyBirthdayJMB and don't forget to tag us on Facebook & Instagram!

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Give a Bòn Fèt donation! Any amount you choose to give will make a direct impact on our brothers and sisters in Haiti, supporting the ministries dear to Pere Bruno's heart.


When you make your donation, please share a memory, story, or birthday wish for Pere Bruno in the memo line.​

Pere Bruno continues to inspire thousands of people through his hard work and testimony. He is loved and admired by many around the globe. Help us say, "Happy Birthday," to the man who started it all by participating in our Bòn Fèt celebration! 

A Humble Servant

Pere Bruno is a man of God. As an Episcopal priest, he has served communities in Haiti and the Dominican Republic his entire life, feeding the poor and hungry, caring for the sick, ministering to the struggling. The center of his ministry, however, has always been education, having built 5 schools in northern Haiti, from primary schools to vocational schools, including École St. Barthélémy, located in his father’s hometown of Terrier Rouge.


Our organization, Bethlehem Ministry, was created to support Pere Bruno’s vision, a partnership that has thrived for 35 years and expanded beyond education to include healthcare, environmental restoration, and humanitarian aid. Despite his many successes, Pere Bruno remains a humble servant of God answering the call every single day. Bethlehem Ministry is blessed to support him in these good works.


If you would like to hear more of Pere Bruno's incredible life story, click here.

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