A small investment in Haiti goes a long way to lift people out of poverty and restore the capacity of their land to support them. For less than $3/day, or $999 per year, you can provide 1,000 trees to a family that will become income producing within 3 years!
Haiti has the highest rate of deforestation of any country in the world, while rural Haiti is in an endemic humanitarian and environmental crisis. Jatrofa Projenou (JP) was formed to work with families and communities to develop solutions to the poverty they face. The goal is to work toward long-term, sustainable solutions that are based on economics, ecology, and practicality, not band-aid solutions.
JP is empowering Haitians to create jobs and income for their families in unique ways while healing the land at the same time. Jatrofa Projenou’s efforts are providing hope for a richer, more fulfilling life for hundreds of people in northern Haiti.
JP works with local farmers to grow Jatrofa trees. The seeds from these trees produce an oil that is used in a small Terrier Rouge manufacturing facility run by young, local entrepreneurs to produce soaps, shampoos, body butter, and oils. These products are marketed and sold across Haiti providing jobs and sustainable incomes for these workers.
Most recently, JP has expanded its vision, and is actively fighting against deforestation and rampant erosion through an agro-forestry project. They are identifying farmers that have land and an interest in learning new skills to plant trees and crops together for food and recurring income for their families. JP provides training and mentorships that help the farmers get started. JP runs two tree nurseries in the Terrier Rouge region that provide trees for farmers interested in participating in the project. The trees include varietals such as cashew, mango, mahogany, eucalyptus, and several others. The majority of these trees will be income producing within three years.
The most exciting news about JP is that they are showing Haitians how to increase production and support more workers in their efforts. One bread making project increased daily production 10 times! This effort alone provided benefits to 500 adults involved in the supply chain.