Father Bruno turned 79 on July 27th! Recently, he shared what his long-term aspirations are for Terrier Rouge and the programs he started there. In his own words, he explains that "his story is to always help those who are less fortunate" and how experiences in his own life have reminded him of the parable of the Good Samaritan. His deepest wish is that those less fortunate in Terrier Rouge always continue to be cared for through St. Barthélémy, Clinique Espérance et Vie, and the humanitarian work of Espérance et Vie. As part of Father Bruno's 2024 Bòn fèt (birthday) celebration, we are pleased to share the highlights of this conversation between him and Rennae Henry, our Executive Director. Please consider a donation in honor of this amazing humanitarian's birthday by clicking here https://secure.etransfer.com/Bethleh.../HonorFatherBruno.cfm or sending us a check (PO Box 48387, Athens, GA 30604) with "Bon Fet" in the memo line.
Espérance et Vie posted the photo below of Father Bruno for Father’s Day in Haiti (June 30th), which we feel is perfect to spotlight for his birthday month! It includes references to two bible verses regarding God’s blessings and being a blessing to others, which are incredibly fitting for Father Bruno!

In honor of Father Bruno's birthday month, we are spotlighting the story of Bethlehem Ministry's name! Father Bruno chose this name after spending six weeks in Israel (where he's pictured here!) studying "Walking the Path of Jesus." Upon his return, at co-founders Berry and Peter Rice's home, he said, "We're going to call [the organization] Bethlehem Ministry because "Bethlehem" means "House of Bread." At that same time, he was doodling something that resembled Bethlehem Ministry's logo!
Although his heart is always in Terrier Rouge, Father Bruno spends much of his time now in South Florida. His church home is St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church in Boca Raton, and he regularly participates in its services. At St. Gregory’s, he is responsible for the healing ministry - he prays with parishioners desiring prayer and helps guide them through their healing journey. As part of Father Bruno’s Bòn fèt celebration, we wanted to share photos of him in his role at St. Gregory’s. If you are in South Florida on a Sunday, please consider worshiping with the Brunos at St. Gregory’s!
We are so happy to feature this video of Father Bruno's beautiful voice as he sings a Haitian hymn! It is with great pleasure that we share with you another wonderful passion of Father Bruno's - for music and singing!
We are thrilled to share with you all a truly wonderful surprise that one of Father Bruno's five daughters, Dominique, organized for her father's birthday with St. Barthélémy's musicians and singer! The translation of the singer's words before the band joins her - "Today we are proud to celebrate the birthday of a great man, the founder of our school, the Rev Father Jean Monique Bruno. May the great God shower you with blessings that he grants health, longevity, and grace throughout your life. We want to sing this song loudly for you." The singer then continues with the band's support with the chorus, "Happy birthday, happy birthday, it's your birthday, it's your birthday, be blessed, celebrate it with joy, abundance will smile on you," twice in French and then twice in English. [Video courtesy of Dominique Bruno]
Bòn Fèt, Father Bruno! Happy Birthday, Father Bruno!